Vancouver wedding photography with Michelle and Henry. As one-stop wedding service in Vancouver, we have provided them with wedding photographers, makeup and hair, rental dress and tuxedo as well as wedding videographers. It was great time to work with other venders on their wedding day. We have moved 3 different locations, Richmond (Tea Ceremony), Vancouver (Ceremony), North Vancouver (Reception)
Wedding day: July 6 2019
Wedding Ceremony: Stanley park Pavilion
Wedding Reception: Polygon Gallery
Vancouver wedding photographer: The Eunice and CO
Makeup and hair: The Eunice and CO
Wedding videographer: The Eunice and CO
Wedding dress and tuxedo: The Eunice and CO
Wedding planning and event: TWOFOLD&Co Weddings
Wedding floral: Hugh production
Catering: Truffle's Fine Food
Photobooth: Lit photobooth
Tea Ceremony: Their wedding started from tea ceremony at bride and Groom's locations. It was such a fun moment to play door game with Henry.
Wedding Ceremony: Stanley park Pavilion
We have moved to Stanley park for wedding ceremony.
We took some prep photos before starting a ceremony:
Wedding ceremony started:
Photo time: Stanley park and Polygon Gallery
Right after wedding ceremony, we started to take a photo with wedding parties at Stanley park before we moved to North Vancouver for reception.
Reception started: